Thursday, June 17, 2010

Little House Ain't Working

A month or so ago I had one of those days. Ya know, one of those "this AIN'T working" kind of days and I found myself smack dab in the middle of a pity party. Laundry everywhere, dishes piled, my heart all mucky, kids driving me crazy, etc. etc. Let's just say that some weeds needed my heart, not to mention my garden!

So our good and gracious God got me alone...on a drive out in the country, no less. (I was going to get milk from the farm on a Saturday kids!) He reminded me that lamenting about life, or situations, really does nothing to change the situation...and that HE would provide for me whatever I needed: strength, stamina, a label maker...whatever! (I already have a label maker so not sure why that popped into my head?)

I drove and thought and mused and prayed and then came home to write it all out. It's amazing how putting those thoughts to paper makes all the difference:
  1. Arise early. 6ish.
  2. Get ready.
  3. Spend some time with God.
  4. Work on some FlyBaby steps.
  5. Quit stressing about $ by going to all cash. (Thanks, Dave. Again.)
  6. Lights out at 10:30. I need my beauty sleep! (uh-oh it's 10:15 now so I'm on the clock)
That's it. Pretty simple. And ya know what? They are helping! I mean, it's not like I was starting out with a TOTAL disaster of a life/house. But sometimes rearranging what's already there is a necessity.

Here are a few things that I actually already had in place before all this...but now am using them again. Ahh, I really DO love organized chaos!

Our menu:

Our rules about speaking:
Our definition of obedience:

Elena & Kai's morning routine chart:

My laundry routine chart:

My morning prayer for Eric:
Our Homeschool daily schedule:

Can you tell I like to make lists? Yay! Anyway, there are some other stories that have come as a result of this "new leaf" I've turned over...and I'll save them for's 10:25 now and you know what that means!

1 comment:

momma24 said...

I love how God gently guides us through times like this. I am looking forward to some time alone with Him this weekend.