Hi Friends! Here is the story you've been waiting to hear (as posted over on facebook)...WARNING: This IS a birth story, so if you are sensitive to the knitty-gritty of birth, you'll need to prepare yourself for details or just not read it.
"The cops delivered my 3rd baby in my bedroom!" "Some third babies are just sooo laid back." "My friend's 3rd baby came so fast they had to pull over on the highway!" "Third babies can be stubborn and take forever to come!" ---these are all stories I heard at some point over the last three weeks or so as I clenched my teeth in discomfort and continued to walk around with our 3rd baby all nice and cozy in my tummy.
Then yesterday became reality...9:30 a.m. I had my first-one-day-over-due-date appointment with my (way cool) midwife, Crystal. The kids and I got to see our healthy baby on the sonogram screen yet again, and all was well. After waffling back and forth, I decided to let Crystal strip my membranes to see if that would jumpstart labor for me...I'd never had that done before, and it really sounds much worse than it was...just a little uncomfortable exam and done. I thought that it was supposed to be a full moon (Eric must have found the wrong online calendar...it was actually the night before) and this would just add to my list of probabilities of having the baby in the next 24 hours!
So home we went, after a fun stop for storytime/Mommy-chat-with-friends-time at the library. By 2 p.m. I was feeling a bit funny, but that's not unusual, so I went down for my nap, giving the kids their rest-time instructions before shutting the bedroom door (this would prevent me from seeing them goofing off instead of "resting", HA). I started having contractions, but irregular, again not unusual for me late in pregnancy, so jotted the times down here and there and just tried to rest.
By 3:30ish I was up, uncomfortable and decided to call my sister, Jodi. She said I should get off my butt and walk around to see if the contractions would pick up and get stronger. So, that's what I did and that's what happened! Between 4 and 4:30 the contractions started to get uncomfortable enough for me to have to stop whatever I was doing and they were 3-4 minutes apart. Seriously though, I wasn't sure if it was the real thing! I knew the whole "stripping" thing could cause some cramping, plus when Kai was born, his 3 hour labor just started with me hitting the wall with 2 minute apart pains...I wasn't so sure about the whole "gradual" thing.
Anyway, I called Crystal, Maria (who was to watch my kids) and Eric (to get home)...since I was still a bit wishy-washy, Crystal recommended a warm bath to see if they would slow down or speed up...then I was to call in 1/2 an hour. (This is the beginning of a substory!)
So at 4:35 p.m., into the tub I went...remember those 3 min. apart contractions? 2,3,4,5...well, aren't I glad we didn't get into the car and start trying to get to the hospital during rush hour and then have to drive all the way back home and find something to fix for dinner and when ARE you going to come little one you are a stinker...AND THEN SIX MINUTES and HOLY COW...OOOOWWWWWWW! THAT was a contraction. Okay...?! Hmmmmm. 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes and yup, SIX...YOWZERS again. Oh, thank you Lord for warm baths to sooth those pains, but I've got some calls to make and we better boogie.
(Enter Elena with the phone): It's Grandma J...okay Mom, I have 1 minute to talk to you then I can't as another contraction is going to hit and okay, love you, bye. Calling Crystal back...what? she thinks you're already on your way to the hospital...(ME) no, I was supposed to call her back at 5...no, no, she knows your going, just go on and she'll meet you there....(ME) okaaay. I have this conversation with two gals during the same phone call.
So out of the tub to get back in my clothes...holler at the kids to get their loveys to take to the Jones' and get in the van...contraction...excessive jubilation from the kids: "WE'RE HAVING A BABY! I'M SO EXCITED! WHOOOOOOOT! I'VE NEVER YELLED THIS MUCH WHEN I'VE HAD A COUGH BEFORE! A BABY! WE GET CHEETOS AND ICE CREAM!" Kai comes into me as I'm folded up on the bathroom floor and says quietly, "Oh Mommy, I hope we have a baby sister!". Once I'm out of the tub the six minute thing is out the window and every two minutes I have a "dive into the pile of pillows instead of trying to stand" kind of pain. Needless to say it took a while to get down the stairs.
Eric gets home (obviously finds some time to update my status on facebook...no friends, that was not me!) and we both drive the kids over to drop them off...I was in the van and we were to take the Buick with us. (By the way, don't try to drive while in labor.)
By 5:15 we are on the road, destination, 123rd between Metcalf and Blue Valley Parkway. Then we stop. Almost 10 minutes at the light waiting to get on 71 Highway. Faster to have gone across and taken the next exit in the middle of construction and rush hour? Maybe, maybe not. We're on the way again, opt for 150 across to Kansas, then 143rd over to Metcalf...I make him run the red left turn light at 150 & 143rd and am starting to get a little nervous as it sounds like I'm either REALLY getting close or having REALLY good sex. The speed limit is 35. Eric got a ticket on this road two weeks ago. We drive 35ish.
At 135th and Metcalf we decide the freeway is the way to go up to 123rd, turning left, changing lanes...oh....dear...I think, yup, my water just broke. Eric steps on the gas as we merge on the freeway and I can tell he's thinking of going around all the accelerating cars on the shoulder...but refrains, probably out of safety. (We're amazingly calm at this point). I seriously can sense that the baby is ready to come (i.e. 10 centimeters & ready to push) but am holding baby in with all my might. No! No! No! Baby...just wait a few more minutes!!! (It's not listening)! Eric says, "Can you just relax hon?!" I say "There's nothing I can do!" 5:48 p.m.
As we are merging off the freeway, I throw off my seatbelt, turn onto 123rd (hospital in plain sight) I'm wriggling out of my pants and panties as fast as one can and reach down just in time to feel baby's head, then practically climb the seat backwards to ease out the body...ohps! cord around the neck, let's unloop that, pat, pat, pat, are you crying baby? Oh, honey, it's a boy! 5:50 p.m. And out come his little feet. (Pulling into the parking lot...Where do we go? To the ER!) Man this is going to get on my favorite shirt. What did I just think? Put that baby on your chest silly woman. (that was me to self).
We park under the ER overhang (5:52 p.m.) and Eric goes to the counter and says "My wife just had a baby in the car". They look at him with wide eyes and say "Really?!" He says, "No." They come out with hot blankets and a guerney (sp?) and then peer in the car from the cold outside like, hmmmm...what do we do now?
So I get my naked butt out of the car (baby still attached and held tight to my tummy), they wrap me up in the towels and up I go to the Birthing Center where all the nurses EXCEPT my midwife (who never got the message that my labor did indeed kick in) are waiting for me. One gal takes off my sunglasses, another holds the scrunchie that was in my hair, they lift me and baby over to the real bed to finish taking care of business. I ask them is someone is please, taking care of my poor husband? I thought he was in shock...actually, as he came around the corner, he was just cool...what a guy!
30 minutes later, my midwife comes in with a big smile on her face. One healthy baby, one healthy momma...I'm guessing that's all in a days work for her. Zane Charles Eastwood's birth certificate lists the birth attendent: Resa R Eastwood, mother, en route to St. xxx Hospital. And we'll let him know who was driving!
Hey Resa, This is Susan's sister..that is the coolest story I have ever read!! What a tale to tell in 50 years :) So glad everybody is doing okay!!
BTW I just changed my blog to private (I think) and not sure if you need and invite or not to read or post on mine since I already follow you. But my email is agb443@msn.com Thanks!!
Facebook Comments that I want to save:
March 13, 2009 at 12:13am · Karen Egender Camp
Ok that was the coolest real life story I have ever read!!! Congrats to all!
March 13, 2009 at 12:31am · Ajia-Mignon Tenney
awwwwwwwww! congratulations and job well done! beautiful baby and yet another beautiful name! you're the best!!!!! ♥
March 13, 2009 at 12:51am · Kathy Wiggins Kemper
What a story and a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
March 13, 2009 at 4:00am ·
Kelly Lynch Trautman
That was a great story, again Congratulations Eastwood Family, he looks just perfect!!
March 13, 2009 at 5:09am ·
Claire Henson
Wow, you all are RICH! God is good, isn't he?
March 13, 2009 at 6:02am · Suzanne Shelton McNeil
Wow Resa! That could be a TV movie. Thanks for sharing!! Congratulations!
March 13, 2009 at 7:27am ·
Sara Brown
OK, I know I said you should post a note, but seriously, girl! After that adventure, you deserve to be sleeping at midnight, not typing on Facebook! Thank you for sharing, though----your story did not disappoint! You AND your family are all amazing! Now get some rest and enjoy that baby!!!
March 13, 2009 at 7:42am ·
Angie Greene Buckingham
How cool is that?..what a story to tell for years..you look great!!
March 13, 2009 at 7:53am ·
Kathi Borchardt Stone
Oh my gosh!
March 13, 2009 at 7:57am ·
Angie Bryant Morris
oh my a story no one will ever forgot. I am so happy that everyone is fine. Can't wait to see him.
March 13, 2009 at 9:06am ·
Kari Crump
March 13, 2009 at 9:14am ·
Dennis Fayard
Holly crap, that's a story. Congradulations both of you, that is awesome. Not sure I woudl have been that calm though, you are a better man than me, Eric.
March 13, 2009 at 9:16am ·
Trisha Williams
WOW!!!! Congrats. I am very glad everyone is healthy and doing great.
March 13, 2009 at 9:33am ·
Lori Pearson Hodges
Wow! That was quite a birth story! You are one brave woman! Eric is one brave man! Congratulations! Zane is a cutie!
March 13, 2009 at 9:37am ·
Ginger Godbehere Luke
Wow! I'm speechless!! So glad that everything worked out okay.
March 13, 2009 at 10:09am ·
Dana Riffel Blubaugh
OMG OMG OMG!! I just CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I think I'll have to read it again. I laughed (a lot) and had tears and goosebumps, too! That is SERIOUSLY UNREAL!! I am SO glad you are all healthy!! I can't wait to go tell everyone I know about the GREATEST STORY I just heard! CONGRATS!!
March 13, 2009 at 10:19am ·
Joy Frank Williams
That's definately the best story I've heard from anyone I know persnonally. You are awesome! I'm glad you and baby Zane ( I thought it was a boy) are well. Can't wait to meet him. Congratulations!
March 13, 2009 at 1:26pm ·
Shawnae Ditgen
Congratulations Resa and family! He's adorable! I loved your story!
March 13, 2009 at 1:52pm ·
Rebecca Miller Cohenour
I don't think that I could have been nearly as calm as you sound like you were! Way to go, Resa (and Eric, of course)!
March 13, 2009 at 2:08pm ·
Liz Ziska Hohmeier
Wow Resa...you are my new hero...seriously! I don't plan on having 3 thank god! CONGRATS to you and your family!
And…more FB:
March 13, 2009 at 1:26pm ·
Shawnae Ditgen
Congratulations Resa and family! He's adorable! I loved your story!
March 13, 2009 at 1:52pm ·
Rebecca Miller Cohenour
I don't think that I could have been nearly as calm as you sound like you were! Way to go, Resa (and Eric, of course)!
March 13, 2009 at 2:08pm ·
Liz Ziska Hohmeier
Wow Resa...you are my new hero...seriously! I don't plan on having 3 thank god! CONGRATS to you and your family!
March 15, 2009 at 12:36am ·
Kim Frank
You are now officially "SUPER MOM!" I think we can expect great things of baby Zane, too!
March 13, 2009 at 2:23pm ·
Sara Mauk
Thanks for sharing that, Resa. Definitely some laughter and some tears as I read that. Good job, honey.
March 13, 2009 at 2:39pm ·
Hether George Skurdal
Eli says, "Welcome Home!" That's a great story Resa, crazy! Congratulations again.
March 13, 2009 at 2:45pm ·
Ginger Godbehere Luke
Okay - I had to read this again. Amazing!! Can't wait to see more pics of the little guy.
March 13, 2009 at 6:35pm ·
Vinita Chhahira
I was sitting on the edge of my seat, holding my breath as I read that. Wow! You guys are even cooler in my book now. Congrats, once again.
March 13, 2009 at 6:40pm ·
Kim Mills
Amazing! Congratulations and I'm glad to hear you're both doing well!
March 13, 2009 at 8:55pm ·
Matt Trimmer
I've been searching junk yards for a new (used) Buick seat for you. Thought that may be the perfect baby gift....
CONGRATS. I'm sure there is some way you can blame all this on Eric!
March 13, 2009 at 10:53pm ·
Shelly Clinton
Resa, I am just so amazed how you and Eric were able to stay so calm! You are right our God does have an amazing sense of humor and Zane is proof of it! Again Congratultions!!! The story and all the details were perfect.
March 14, 2009 at 1:31am ·
Shelley Mccullough
That is amazing!
March 14, 2009 at 8:41am ·
Brandy Byerley
Oh Resa your story brought tears to my eyes! That is absolutely scarey and amazing at the same time!!! Congratulations to you and your family! He is gorgeous!!!
March 14, 2009 at 12:42pm ·
Michele McKinley
Resa, you made me laugh out loud! I am glad to hear that you all are good and also glad to hear that Eric was the one to update your FB status! :) Congratulations!
March 14, 2009 at 2:58pm ·
Nick Weddle
Congrats! Very cool! (you know I love this stuff!) Anyway, I suppose if you have any more, you might as well do it at home... I'm sure Eric can catch! Can't wait to see you guys...
March 14, 2009 at 2:58pm ·
Nick Weddle
Congrats! Very cool! (you know I love this stuff!) Anyway, I suppose if you have any more, you might as well do it at home... I'm sure Eric can catch! Can't wait to see you guys...
March 14, 2009 at 4:12pm ·
Andrea Montgomery
Wow Resa! What a story. It gave me the chills! Thanks for sharing and Congratulations!
March 14, 2009 at 5:29pm ·
Christi Houk Hay
Now, that was something! I'm so glad to have read it - I've told several people that a friend had a baby in the car and the first question from almost everyone has been "Did the dad deliver it?" I told them I thought he gased it while you delivered him yourself - looks like I was right!! That was amazing - I can't wait to hear more about it in person - you know we could make an afternoon of that :)
Congratulations to all of you. :)
March 14, 2009 at 9:36pm ·
Rachel Jacobson
Thank you so much for such a great story and thank the Lord for keeping all three of you safe through that wild ride.
March 15, 2009 at 11:20am ·
Diem Gai Nguyen Trump
Thanks for taking the time to share this!!!!Thanks for allowing us to celebrate "in spirit" with you guys from way down in TN.
What a sweet memory and gift from the Lord!!!!Congrats again from the Trumps!!!!!I'm praying for sweet sleep for you!
March 15, 2009 at 7:07pm · t
Kimberly Noirfalise Tribolet
What an amazing story! I'm so glad you told "the rest of the story" because I was trying to figure it all out when Alie told us at the play that you had the baby in the car. We are so excited for you and the family. Can't wait to meet Zane!
March 16, 2009 at 7:16pm ·
Kelly Carter Goode
What a Kool story, I have goose bumps. So glad to hear that you all are well. Can't wait to see the pics, he looks so handsome! Congrats!
March 17, 2009 at 4:53pm ·
Becca Stevens
Unbelievable! Only you, Res! Congratulations! And, you have now populated the world for both of us! I do love you! :)
March 17, 2009 at 11:11pm ·
Sara Woodman Mannino
I absolutely love this story! You have me laughing so hard I cried! You should be on Oprah for this one!
April 9, 2009 at 8:45pm
Erin Eytcheson
Resa, this is a fantastic story! Natural unmedicated birth is really the way to go! Good job!!!!! I'm so glad you are all doing well =)
I loved this one! Good read!
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