Friday, January 13, 2012

Twisty Bun Tutorial

This is one of my very favoritest ways to wear my long hair, but it works for any length long enough to have a 2-3" long tail out of a ponytail. I call this Twisty Bun "The Anne with an 'e' " (for all you kindred spirits out there) because the friend who showed me how to do it was shown by a gal named Anne. I'm sure it has a specific name somewhere? It's a kind of twisty, messy bun and is super fun!

**(10.12 update)  I finally got this put together as a video tutorial.  A picture tutorial follows below the video frame.  Thanks for watching!**

Start with your hair half dry...leave the length partially damp and add some gel. (Those are my daughter's arms...I'm not really a contortionist with tiny hands.) One of the reasons I love this style is because it takes sooo long to completely dry my hair. This way only takes five minutes with the dryer (still ugh!).

Next, gather your hair into a pony and secure it tightly, but not too tight. You need to be able to lift one band of the elastic to secure the twists.

Section your ponytail, starting at the top right. I always think of it as a clock and you are going to alternate making twists both clockwise and counterclockwise around the pony. Twist that section of hair (you may have to fold it in half first if your hair is long like mine) then bring the end up to the elastic.

Lift up one band of the elastic and wrap the twisted section around the outside of it, tucking either the end (shorter hair) or the loop (longer hair) through half way, then let go. The elastic should be holding that twist securely. Repeat on the left side, then continue alternating and sectioning around the pony.

This is with about 6 twists done:

And wah-lah! Your finished Anne twisty bun. You can pull out some of the ends to make it more messy if you like. But wait....

It looks so much prettier with an ornament! I've tried different hair toys, but my Princess Tiara Freestyle flexi clip always wins.

Slide the pin of your flexi through the pony elastic to secure it well and to give the illusion that the clip is holding the bun.

All done and ready to face my day! Now I need a cup of tea...

Oh yes, and the bonus...the twists will curl your hair as they dry so tonight I'll have some awesome waves if I want to take it down and fix it differently.

1 comment:

Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

Beautiful Resa! Thanks for sharing!