Monday, March 08, 2010

Cakes 101 - A New Series

As I contribute plenty of nonsensical info to the ever-expanding blogosphere, I thought I would start a little series on something actually useful. For the last several years I've had a cake business that quickly grew from "little hobby" to "a too much too handle business". Last February I took my last order and the rest is history. My website is still up over at The Sweet Ladybug if you want to see some of my past creations, or there are quite a few in former posts if you click the "cakes" label on the right. For now, all my licensing is expired and I'm don't start emailing me your orders (ha)!

Cakes 101 is going to be a series of posts with tips, techniques and recipes...keeping it simple for all you gals (or guys) out there who want to make yummy tasting and nice looking cakes for your family and friends! Everything I'm going to share is probably available somewhere else out in cyberspace, but you'll get the advantage of my trials and errors...I'm going to siphon it down to the best of the basics.

Follow me and you're sure to have some smiles like the one on this little guy!

Kai at his 5th birthday party last month.

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