Sunday, January 04, 2009

Do you YOGA?

Doctor's orders for me: "Do your YOGA 3-4 times a week! Your body isn't going to just snap back again if you don't get you tummy strengthened."

Okay, okay, if you insist. So, I've been good the last two weeks and am starting to gain back some of my flexibility, even with my baby getting bigger everyday.

The FUNNY thing is, though, as we were at Wal-Barf shopping yesterday, I looked over at my slightly-bored Miss Elena and she is just about into Eagle Pose (see pic) smack in the middle of the bread isle. Ha! Then she bends into triangle pose making all the other shoppers look at her (and me) funny and wheel their carts around her. You just never know what kind of crazies you'll meet in the aisles...could be me & my kids!

1 comment:

mystic minstrel said...

no yoga, but i have started tae-bo again. can't wait to see your next beautiful baby - kim frank (in disguise)