Monday, December 17, 2007

List Mania

I'm a list maker and the latest one to pop into my head is a list of fun things I'd like to do...or that I missed out on doing as a kiddo. Tonight I was playing jump rope with my kids and it started me thinking about this stuff...of course, I wasn't counting on the un-lovely feeling jumping rope brings when you're over 30 and out of shape...I think I need to borrow Eric's knee brace and take something for my headache now!

1. Double-Dutch jump rope
2. Really play the piano...more than Yankee Doodle etc.
3. Travel around Europe...but I've upgraded from wanting to "backpack"-around to wanting to "stay in posh hotels"-around.
4. Swan dive--just into the pool from a board...all I can do is a pitiful 1/2 belly flop-1/2 kind of flat dive thing--not a pretty sight.
5. Read classic children's literature like Tom Sawyer etc...I have finally read Anne of Green Gables and The Chronicles of Narnia...but I know there are so many more....hopefully homeschooling will help knock this one off my list.
6. Ice Skate
7. Learn to tap dance


Papa Frank said...

Ice skating? That's just a small group activity waiting to happen!!!

Papa Frank said...

Merry Christmas!!! We wish good fun and great food on you and yours!