Thursday, December 14, 2006

Nerd? Me?

I am nerdier than 9% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I am officially "Definitely not nerdy, probably cool"! Rock on. My love, on the other hand...well, I scored 9, he was 59. Big surprise there!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pleasant Surprises

You know, sometimes you just don't know. Do the things we teach our children really sink in? God tells us to talk about His truth all throughout our lives...His story IS the ONE that best explains life...and is the lens through which we view our own lives. We talk about it as we go, when we rise and when we eat, when we walk, when we lie down. But really, how do we KNOW the truth is getting through?

At our house we keep a jar of questions on the kitchen table. They are conversation starters that I copied, Once A Month Cooking, I think. Last nights question was: What is the best gift that you have ever been given? Elena gets first shot. Eric and I gave each other knowing looks, waiting for the inevitable "princess-something" or "my play kitchen". Her thoughtful answer, given with all seriousness, yet as if there was none other: "Jesus". We glanced at each other and paused...neither of us expected that. So I asked, "Why Jesus?" Again, as if it were obvious: "Because God loves me".

Wisdom from a three & a half-year old. It's the story. Simple. True. Life-changing.

Peace, Resa

Me & My Sweeties

I love the fact that they can't find a more comfy spot than on my lap.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Good Thoughts about Motherhood

I receive a daily email from Proverbs 31 Ministries through Today's devotional was titled “The Most Beautiful Scars” by Lysa TerKeurst, Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker, Author, and President. Here's part that I liked:

It still moves me to tears to think about Jesus’ scars. I’m amazed that the God of the universe would care so much for me that He would allow His Son, Jesus, to give up His life for me. While I have not been called to physically die for my children, I have been called to die to the selfishness that characterized my life before kids. It was all about me back then. My schedule, my needs, my wants, my time, my money, my desires, my dreams, and my plans dictated how I spent my life. But that is not what God wanted for me. He wanted my life to be about Him and His plans for me. So, He used not one, not two, not three, not four, but five small beings (she is a mother of 5) to make sure I am reminded on a daily basis that serving others is what the pathway to joy is paved with. Little stones of service that, when carefully laid one right beside another, lead to great places.

Peace, Resa