Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Festival...

This time we were right at home! The Raymore Festival in the Park is this weekend. The kids and I went out for pizza tonight since Eric was away playing a disc golf tourney, then headed over for some medium-town excitement.
I say medium-town because just today as we were driving through Raymore, I was thinking "Sheesh! There are SO many people who live here!" Subdivision after different from my little hometown. Then at the festival I ran into someone I know about every 20 steps...LOL! At least half my bunco league for starters--we were all trying to figure out where we are playing on Monday, and then I ran into the gal who is hosting. Then I knew three people with a booth set up so talked to them too. So much for thinking this place is huge. I guess it's more of a "just right."

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