Friday, September 05, 2008

First Week Done

So Elena and I have survived our first week of Kindergarten at home! As I expected, this has been a learning experience for both of us. I was reminded that I have a perfectionist on my hands, and she was reminded that Mommy is in charge, not her!

We are using Sonlight for our core curriculum and A Beka for phonics, handwriting and math. The stories we are reading with Sonlight are so good! I even found myself cheating and reading ahead in the little book "The Boxcar Children" to find out what happens next.

Our most challenging subject so far is handwriting. I went ahead and chose to follow A Beka's cursive program...yes, in Kindergarten. Elena already has printing down fairly well, and after thinking and talking it over, decided it was either now or in a couple years so may as well start out with a challenge! This is really where her perfectionism is coming out. She so wanted her "i's" to be perfect on the first day! After a cry-fest and much squirming and in her chair, we quit for the day and retried the next day, going very s-l-0-w. Today was day four and she was all calm and making "i's" and "u's" very well. Yay.

Discovery Homeschool Academy starts next Tuesday, and we went to their back-to-school night last evening to meet her teacher etc. I think it is going to be the perfect compliment to our schooling and am so excited for her to meet some other homeschooled friends her age!

Oh, and not to forget about Mr. Kai. He is joining us for most of the reading and works diligently on his Winnie-the-Pooh workbooks or play-doh while we do other things. He also goes up for some room-time during handwriting and phonics so he won't be so distracting. I think he is very proud of doing school and is actually doing better at the Bible memory verse than Miss Boo!

So, though I have yet to don my home-made denim jumper dress and leave my hair a rumpled mess, I DID bake some bread in my bread machine this I guess that makes me a true-to-life homeschool mom! I think I'm going to love it!

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